Do you have any problems like this?
- Because a lot of things to do on the day. So, you need to ask for the whole operation!
- Because a lot of customers. So, you need a professional management!
- Because need a professional to welcome and looking after the visitors! etc...
Please entrust to us!
We have many professional management to help you with sincerely!

We are operating a live hall with many customers! and the staff will supporting and staying in the hall.
Meet and greet after live concert! It crowded in the hall, but we still support actively!

Pre-check at the hall ! Meet and greet after live concert! Goods sale staff, Let’s Event21 support you!
Necessities in management
Contents (making script and scenario)
Discuss about the theme and details and make a script and scenario with information from customer.
Location and environment is also important. It’s possible to make a different event depends on the place where we can connect with internet, computer and projector or screen. you can find a location for event in our website also!
Operating and Setting event
To operate, one of necessities is staff. To have no troubles, we have to make a plan for setting before or on the day, Reception, guidance and time keeper.
Necessary equipment
We need to prepare necessary equipment for setting and removing event. such as audio equipment, Table, Chair, Tent etc.
What we can do to operate event
Supporting an event operation
We operate place such as plaza or in front of station to promote new product or make PR with TV program! setting a stage, invite the celebrity to join event! and we can do sampling food to general people, prepare bag with brochure! we can do staff and guest management, setting and removing event.
Support membership joining event
We also support membership joining event at shopping mall or supermarket. 1 staff for small scale and 4-5 staffs for large scale. We have manual book to explain for staff before working.
Co-promotion management support
We can make PR for sampling of new product. As our manual, we support staff, promotional model, education, actual site control (Director from outsource in some case), car, necessary equipment for setting, setting and removing service.
Catering booth
Food testing, Beer garden etc. also operating. For food testing booth, we can operate staff to cook for easy food. For beer garden, we will ask staff from outsource to cook and operate the others corner by our staff.
Operating process Flow
Step1Consult with our company
Consulting about to operate event with free of charge!
Step3Make a quotation・order
Making quotation from content in step 2 and If client agree, we will order materials to operate event.
*Adjust in another day is also prefer.
Step4Meeting and confirm
To operate the best event, we will make a meeting with client many times to check completed articles or make sure in details.
Step5Hiring staff ・Briefing・PR
We invite person who can participate in the event and hold briefings for exhibitors. In addition, we will inform everyone about the notice of the event in the host area using leaflets and internet.
We also support attracting customers such as event announcements!
Step6Set up and rehearsal
On the day before or on the day of the event, we will assemble, set up and prepare for rehearsal.
Step7Operating (Production)
In operate and production, rehearsal is need. Because there are many accidents can be happen and we will try it best to get over it!
After the operating (Production) finished, we will tidy up immediately.
Based on the reports from the organizers and questionnaires from customers, We will develop and grow better!
Photo of staffs in walking event and operating staff
Left: Heat stroke measures event
Right: Electrical store Thanksgiving
Reasons for choosing Event21
We will operate event with the experience and know-how from [44,000 inquiries per year]. Our staffs who believe in company ideal [you happy, we happy!] will try their best to hear a word [Excellent] from customer. we can support you with [speedy and low cost] to preparation of abundant goods and content preparation, construction, production, etc. to operate event. We can support you all over Japan, please trust us!