Stage, ground support, tent, booth system, audio visual equipment, corporate lighting, furniture, event barrier system, inflatables(bouncers/moonwalks), concession equipment, music instruments, power generator, home appliances, entertainment equipment, sports equipment, office equipment, showroom displays, flags, signboards, sign stands, traditional Japanese event items, mobile toilets, mobile sinks and basically anything that you could associate with an event in Japan!!!
Exhibitions│Ceremonies│Parties│Summer festivals│Music events│School festivals│Seminars│Weddings│Creating manuals for executing these etc.
In- and outside displays of a meeting place│Temporary stages, tents│Arranging emcees and hostesses│Setting up exhibition booths│Shinto rituals│Attractions│Garden design│Acoustics│Lighting│Fireworks│Cousine│Flowers etc.
Lending all sorts of event items│Temporary houses, toilets│Office steel products│Office automation equipment│Consumer electronics│Karaoka, game machines│Play equipment and other event related products
Printed signboards│Sticker signboards│Souvenirs, commemorative publications│Filming, photographing│Commemorative photos│Brochures│Leaflets│Posters etc.
We are regularly performing event site constructions all over Japan: Nara, Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe from the Kansai region, Tokyo, Nagoya, Yokohama, Sendai, Sapporo, Fukuoka etc. from other regions just to mention a few of the whole range.
As a matter of course, we could deliver all our rentable and for sale items, signboards to every corner of Japan too!
Exhibitions│Lottery drawing│Consumer fairs│Trade fairs│Art exhibitions│Gratitude fairs│Free markets│Campaigns│Sales promotion│Seminars│
and every other kinds of exhibitions, fairs
Summer festivals│Town festivals│Agricultural festivals│Culture festivals│Campus festivals│Commercial festivals│Summer night festivals│Music festivals│Fireworks festivals│Company festivals│Industrial festivals│Social service festivals│Sports festivals│Bon Festival dance│and every other kinds of festivals
Ground-breaking ceremony│Cornerstone laying ceremony│Foundation stone laying ceremony│Unveiling ceremony│Construction completion ceremony│Construction ceremony│Celebration│Commendation ceremony│Awarding ceremony│Anniversary│Tunnel penetrating ceremony│Formal opening ceremony│Red ribbon cut│New Years parade│Opening ceremony│Closing ceremony│Graduation ceremony│and every other kinds of festivals
Other events
Concerts│Sports events│Amusement events│Contests│Cultural exchange gathering│Parades│Shrine festivals│Others
From Shinto rituals to festivals, festas, exhibitions, sport events, we could supply you many kind of accessories, equipments for each theme. We could support you in the total field of events. Feel free to contact us be it setting up event scenes, equipment rental service, event planning or anything else.
公司名 : 株式會社EVENT21
本公司 : 〒639-0236 奈良県香芝市磯壁2丁目1073−1
TEL: 0745-77-6882
FAX: 0745-77-6981
資本金: 1千萬日圓
社長 : CEO中野愛一郎
主要交易銀行 : 三井住友銀行 南都銀行
1990年 12月 由中野武雄先生創業
1991年 4月 設立株式會社
1992年 4月 設立看板事業部
1995年 4月 設立營業部門
1997年 4月 設立租借事業部
2007年 1月 中野武雄先生因病驟逝。中野あさ子女士就任董事長、中野愛一郎先生就任董事
6月 為拓展全日本營業版圖,設立Web市場行銷事業部。
2009年 10月 因為經由網站來的訂單激增,開始了一般採用制度。
2010年 4月 創造EVENT21理念「you happy, we happy!」
2011年 4月 中野愛一郎先生就任董事長
7月 為開拓海外市場,設立International Expansion事業部
2012年 6月 以新興國家事業為目標,設立越南支店
<District 1, Ho Chi Minh City>
2013年 12月 設立東京支店 <東京都北區>
2014年 5月 以拓展地區經濟為目標,董事長的中野先生就任奈良縣中小企業同盟會的幹事長
11月 為成為與地區共生共存的企業,舉?了第一回EVENT21祭典
2016年 3月 受到奈良縣長的表彰受賞為此年度的優良?公環境企業
6月 為了強化?了客群55%的關東地區,設立了兼具物流管理機能的「EVENT21神奈川支店」<神奈川縣横濱市>
2017年 3月 為強化西日本事業,在北關西設立了目前占有面積最大的大阪支店<大阪府大阪市>
7月 就任中小企業家同盟會全國協議會青年部連絡會的代表。
2018年 2月 藉由員工增加並進一?增強關東地區,在神奈川新橫濱又增加了?一「神奈川支店」。在日吉的舊神奈川支店則改名為横浜日吉支店<神奈川縣横濱市>
3月 為了強化中日本區域與東名阪,在名古屋市設立「愛知支店」<愛知縣名古屋市>
7月 為了強化寶石首飾展的事業,繼承了自1948年創業擁有多數展示會經驗的「株式会社ステップ」,並將其子公司化。
2019年 3月 為增強關西地區,在京都市設立「京都支店」
TEL:0745-77-6882 | |
Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 20:30 | |
Weekends and Public Holidays: 9:00 - 18:00 |
Email:recruit@event21.co.jp |
The Great Place to Work Institute Japan (GPTW Japan) consolidates surveys from participating companies and ranks them with a point system. Companies with points exceeding a certain level are awarded with the title of [Great Place to Work]. There are two different surveys - one is aimed at employees, and the other aimed at the company itself. These are awarded points by GPTW Japan, as well as third-party professionals, before the final ranking is decided upon. Questions in the survey and ranking criteria are globally common. Participation in the GPTW survey is entry-based; any registered company with 25 or more employees may choose to participate.
We would like to create more happiness in the world. The way our company
aims to achieve that is through hard effort. If we manage to change the
world by even 1mm, then the future will be change formidably. Although our
efforts may seem very small now, but eventually, when this small company
from Japan has developed into an international company, we will still
continue making the same efforts and will create tremendous happiness!
Would you like to change the world too? Start now!
e-mail : | global@event21.co.jp |
Skype ID: | event21japan |
International calls : | +81-3-5834-8892 |
Domestic calls: | 03-5834-8892 |
Please feel free to contact us!
All the employees of our company, Event21 Co., Ltd. believe that we could make the world a better place by offering made in Japan happiness to the whole world. In order to do that we are conducting services that could either support you in your event management or simply do the job for you instead. Moreover, we are functioning as an export company selling all kinds of Japanese products. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in any kind of items from Japan. By offering various services, we would like to make our surroundings more energetic.
TEL:0745-77-6882 | |
Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 20:30 | |
Weekends and Public Holidays: 9:00 - 18:00 |
Email:recruit@event21.co.jp |
Edogawa Honolulu Festival
Hawaiian Festival in Edogawa,Tokyo.
Edogawa, Tokyo and Honolulu, Hawaii are sister cities.
At the festival introducing Honolulu, we had about 10,000 people.
What you find in this picture:
3K x 5K Stage,
Stage tent ,
Myanmar Multi-Ethnic Festival
We have known this client for four years now, and we are deeply grateful for this partnership.
we set up tents and outdoor patio umbrellas with weighted bases for or possible rainy conditions.
What you find in this picture:
Tent (W)5.4mX(D)3.6mX(H)2m,
Outdoor Patio Umbrellas,
Mona Itabashi Nepal Festival in Tokyo.
You can create your own signboard design, or we can bring your vision to life by designing one for you.
Let's get started creating your own signboard
What you find in this picture:
We support all kinds of events, anywhere in Japan!
Great item for the person who loves Japanese culture. Made of Japanese Cypress that emits a great wood smell.