These are some items that have been used for Groundbreaking Ceremonies and Safty Praying Festivals in the past.
Commonly used Prefectures >> Tokyo│Osaka│Aichi│Kanagawa│Nara│and many more.
"If you find our prices are higher than that of other companies, please let us know and we will work with you!"
I was given the pleasure of helping out with a Shinto Groundbreaking Ceremony in the Hyoga prefecture, at a city by the name of Takarazuka-shi. Using a 6square meter tent, we were able to hold 12 people. At this location, we had a Shinto Priest come in from the Kanto Area. In a lot of cases, the Shinto Priest will usually bring objects required for preforming the prayer, but in the case that he doesn`t we have them as well! If you require a tent, things related to the Shinto Ritual, or red and white curtains, we can provide all the necessary products!
At the venue shown in the pictures above, the Groundbreaking took place in Takarazuka-shi. A Masakaki is made of wood and commonly reffered to as the wooden bridge that connects the human world to the Shinto Gods. In rituals or ceremonies, around the Altar Sakakiba leaves are often placed. On the left side there are 5 color cloths and a knife placed; on the right another 5 layer cloth with a bell, and jewel placed in order. Once you see it in persion they are much larger and uf tiy okace the Masakaki around the Alter it improves the atmosphere!
If you wish to see are real Groundbreaking Ceremony video, please click here.
For a Groundbreaking Ceremony taking place for the new road connecting the Mie and Wakayamam I set up Sandmounds at the Shingu-shi Public Gym. Using sand from a river, with many layers of sand added and compressed with the wooden molds it becomes well compressed. Because of the type of sand used and the water contained in it with the mold, it makes it easy to mold. No matter the size, we can make a mound to fit your needs so please feel free to inquire with us!
Nara Pre. Tenri-shi
Ceremony Venue・Breakroom Tent・Handwashing Tent・Generator、Spot Cooler Blindfold
8 Meter Tent・1.5 Meter Tent, 6 Meter Tent, 3 Meter Tent, Water Cooler, etc.
At an event taking place in the Nara Prefecture, our company did the venue setup in Tenri city. Though it was Tsuyu(the rainy season), the setup day and the day of the event day seemed as though it would be rain, we were able to set up a fan spot cooler, and other products inside the tents to make sure the venue was perfuct. Because the sound of the generator may have caused many people to be disturbed by it, we placed it behind a blind and away from the setup so it wouldn't interupt anyone when they were talking.
At the Groundbreaking Ceremony, the tent is set up to cover the sides.
A Groundbreaking Ceremony is a ritual where before you do construction on an area you first pray for its safety and the safety for them. We also help with any other events that involve safety rituals that occur before the construction/finishing of a building. At this venue, we prepared Pipe Chairs and covered the sides with Red and White Curtains. At Event21, we can plan for any type of venue so if you are having troubles with your rituals, please feel free to get a hold of us!
Chiba, Kimitsu-shi
To help protect the staff and customers from the heat.
I was the representative who was in charge of a Groundbreaking Ceremony that was going on in a Solar Panel Factory. It was in the Mid-Summer so we set up some fans inside the tent to fight the heat. The day of the event was extremely hot so it is a product that we treasure having. For Groundbreaking Ceremonies, or other events that take place outside, please leave it to us!
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Place of Delivery
Takarazuka-shi, Hyoga Prefecture
The Venue Setup Plan
Shinto Groundbreaking Ceremony
An informal groundbreaking ceremony to pacifu the local guardian spirits.